Any Affiliates and Associations registered under the laws governing the registration of such bodies in the Republic of Singapore may apply for Affiliation Membership with the Singapore Dragon Boat Association (SDBA).
There are three (3) categories of Members, namely:
a. Affiliate Members
b. Associate Members
c. Individual Members
a) Affiliate Members:
Affiliate membership shall be open to:
(i) Legal entities registered in Singapore with the Registry of Societies (ROS) or the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), that practice and engaged in Dragon Boat activity with no profit intent.
(ii) Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL)
(iii) Government Ministries and Statutory Boards that are willing to observe the rules and regulations of SDBA.
(iv) Sport Clubs and Community Sport Network (CSN) that practice and engaged in Dragon Boat activity with no profit intent
b) Associate Members:
Associate Members shall be Organisations or Legal entities registered in Singapore with the Registry of Societies (ROS) or the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) not within the ambit of (a), that are willing to observe the rules and regulations of SDBA but are not eligible for Full Membership.
c) Individual Members:
An Individual Member shall be any person above eighteen (18) years of age, who is willing to observe the rules and regulations of SDBA.
Application for membership should be made on the prescribed form found below on this page.
All applications for membership shall be decided and approved by SDBA’s Governing Board. The Board may reject any application on any of the following grounds:
(i) The applicant does not satisfy all the relevant membership criteria set out in the relevant membership category in this Constitution
(ii) The applicant has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude, declared a bankrupt, wound up or dissolved
(iii) Where accepting the applicant would in the Board’s absolute discretion be deemed prejudicial to the interest of SDBA as a whole
Every successful application shall pay the necessary fees, in default of which the application may be cancelled.
There will be one-time entrance fee of $250 (inclusive of GST) and annual subscription fee of $180 (inclusive of GST). Application can be submitted any time of the year and there shall be no pro-ration of the first annual subscription fee.
Subsequent annual subscription fee for 1 April to 31 March will be billed to the address stated on the application form.
Entrance fee and subscription fee may be changed subject to the approval of the Board.
Only Affiliate members shall have the right to vote at the AGM.
Affiliate members are accorded discounted registration fees for races while Affiliate, Associate and Individual members are accorded discounted rates for dragon boat rentals at our Kallang Water Sports Centre.
The Board may suspend members who have membership renewal fee arrears of one (1) month or more. Suspended members shall not be entitled to any of the rights and privileges of membership including voting rights at General Meetings.
The Board shall terminate members who have membership renewal fee arrears of more than one (1) year. Terminated members may only apply to be reinstated as a member after a lapse of one (1) year.
The following notice and instructions of online athlete card phase 3 system are prepared for Team Manager (TM) of SDBA’s affiliates and non affiliates.
For Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) compliance and requirement, NRIC or Passport information will no longer be used or collected. Hence, SDBA will remove the NRIC and Passport information from the existing Athlete Cards (Card) system. The NRIC or the Passport number was used to generate the QR code for scanning purpose. In order to meet the PDPA requirement, the QR code algorithm of all existing SDBA athlete cards including SDBA non affiliate index 9 event cards, will be reissued free of charge under this exercise. The reissued Card will be carrying the same card number of the existing Card.
After the Phase 3 implementation of SDBA Athlete Card system, all SDBA dragon boat race events will be using the online system. The manual boat marshalling practice will be obsolete; therefore, Team Name appearing on the Card is no longer required.
Due to the requirements of PDPA and the impact of removal of Team name on Card, the TMs of Primary team (Affiliate Team 1) need to make an effort to request reissuance of Cards belong to the team. SDBA will only distribute Cards to the TM of Primary team based on the athlete card database.
For query or usage of the online athlete card system, please seek further clarification with SDBA or your TMs.