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Year 2020
December 2020

Responsible Posting on Social Media Platform

03 Dec 2020

We would like to remind the DB Community to be mindful of your Team or Crew photos that you want to upload onto your social media platform.

  • Please ensure that the proper and adequate Safe Management Measures (SMM) as described in the DB Safe Plan are complied with.
  • There has been a spate of whistle blowing reports that lifted photos from the DB Community’s social media platforms and used them to pinpoint non-compliance with the SMM and DB Safe Plan.
  • So make sure the photos you posted are according to the necessary parameters

From Day 1 of Dragon Boat return, we have come under much public scrutiny. Maybe because we are a very visible sport – simply cannot ignore the sight of a 9m long dragon boat on the water or on land. As much as this angers us all, let’s take it in stride and rally together.

The people who complain are making an issue out of innocent photos of friends and teammates celebrating each other’s presence and achievements. To a true dragon boater, we just want to race, train, support our Team, Family and Friends. So it is hurtful to see that our own emotions in those photos are being used against us and the sport.

We just need to stand together and do what has to be done. Let us all rally to protect and defend our sport. We are all responsible for making The Sport safe to play and watch.

All hands on deck!
